Saturday, December 26, 2009

today went we go penang damn siean loh........
because that bus so slow......
then i am very miss my dear loh......
went we sampai penang hong guan de ppl come fecth us......
then we go to fine a boy.......
after that a boy bring us go to check in hotel ......
wah damn laoya loh....
but nvm lah.....ppl pay money de ......
after that we go eat dinner we that all.....
then we go back hotel to bath .......
we go out jalan jalan after bath.......We go to see penang clubbing and play shuffle out side that clubbing.....then we go mamak stall eat supper ......haiz....want to sleep jor....
because tomorow got show .....,.'
good night....
dear i miss u and love u ya......

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